Onewsing (One News) covers Latest News, Breaking News, Jobs News, Business News, Politics News, Sports News, Entertainment News (Movies, Music, Bollywood, Hollywood, Tollywood), Science & Technology News, from India and World. All the news are wrapped up in the consolidated form to provide our readers with most factual information in very short and simple lines.
Before updating any news, we verify each from multiple sources to ensure the authenticity of each information.
This site is created for the purpose of saving time for those who like to get updated with the latest news but don't have much time to read bunch of line for getting just four-five lines of factual information.
Before updating any news, we verify each from multiple sources to ensure the authenticity of each information.
This site is created for the purpose of saving time for those who like to get updated with the latest news but don't have much time to read bunch of line for getting just four-five lines of factual information.